Sunday, 7 October 2012


Everyone is looking for the mythical one cause of cancer. The question should be not “what causes cancer?” but rather “what caused your cancer?”.
During her extensive work with those who have cancer, Elizabeth has come to 3 clear conclusions:
  • Each case of cancer is as individual as the individuals themselves

  • When cancer manifests in the body there is rarely one single “root cause”, but rather a combination of factors

  • The combination of these factors leads to an imbalance in the body that results in cancer
This imbalance in the body is caused by a combination of carcinogenic substances or conditions that triggers the cell growth referred to as cancer.
Elizabeth is able to determine the causative, contributory, and trigger factors behind each individual’s specific case.
Once these factors have been fully identified and addressed, it has been observed that the “cancer growth rate” switches off. This has been confirmed repeatedly in those with whom she has worked, by conventional medical tests and scans.
It is no coincidence that the astronomical rise in cancer rates appears to be in direct proportion to the increase of carcinogens and toxins in our everyday lives. In the beginning of the 1900s, 1 in 600 people in the UK were affected by cancer. Today, according to Cancer Research UK, “More than 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives”. In a similar period, (1930 to 2000) global production of man-made chemicals increased from 1 million to 400 million tonnes each year.
Add this to the fact that at no time in our recorded history have we lived in such a complex cauldron of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields, and nutritional deficiencies are widespread due to depletion of our soils, and junk food diets. Suppressed emotional and psychological issues can be the “final straw”.
The sheer number of treatments and therapies, with which those with cancer are presented, is overwhelming. But how do you know which ones will be the right ones for you? By knowing the root causative factors, it can cease to be a lottery, and an appropriate course of action, and level of treatment, can be chosen.
Elizabeth currently supports doctors, practitioners and clients to pinpoint the key information to build a totally integrated treatment programme.
The best of orthodox and complementary treatments, and recommended dietary and lifestyle changes, may ensure that every step is taken to minimise the possibility of cancer returning. All the treatments will potentially be in vain, however, if the root cause remains unaddressed.

Identification of the cause has to be the key to the elimination of cancer.

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