Sunday, 7 October 2012

Spiritual Energy or Hauntings and How to Deal with Them


Spiritual energy and Haunting Spirit presence
most usually make themselves felt through sudden changes in the energy of a place.
We may experience sudden dramatic feelings which come and go.
There may be sensations of being watched.
A sudden cold breeze may appear from nowhere.
We may glimpse something out of the corner of our eye,
but when we look again it isn't there.
Things may even go 'bump' in the night,
there might be unexplained odors and smells,
or we might actually feel something touch or brush up against us.
And just as there are a myriad of different manifestations here,
and many different sources of such disturbances
There are also many different ways
of working with the situations we find.

This work carries with it a responsibility to spiritual care and service

and is intimately informed by our own genuine human respect,
personal honesty and simple reverence in all we do.

We always begin by making connection with place

and remaining open, listening to what comes through,
allowing the place to share with us in it's own time
by telling us it's own story.

Often in fact,
this very act of listening
of acknowledging that story
in and of itself.
brings powerful healing to a place

Just as in human personal experience
The healing power in sharing
friend to friend
and seeing how we're truly heard
each time we speak our heart
carries great healing power indeed.

Sometimes, for instance,
where soul transition is required,
this helps bring peace and understanding,
greatly easing confusion, doubts and fears.
In ways like this
spirit attachment is gently encouraged to let go.

But each situation here is entirely unique,
we first seek understanding by open listening in everything
and always act from our own spirit and heart,
in whatever needs to be done
returning the unresolved aspects of the place
to simple peace once more.

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